Common Questions


What size and format photo file?

We recommend sending a photo file that is untouched from your digital camera. Usually that means a JPG file. You can rename the file by right clicking on the icon and choosing the option to "rename". This is better than opening the file and using the "save as" function.

JPG files can vary greatly in their size depending on the image. A single person wearing a white shirt against a solid blue background will have a smaller file size than a group of 6 people wearing patterned clothing with an outdoor background. That being said, you will generally want a file that is at least 500 Kb. The more accurate way to describe the photo size is to look at the pixel count. A file close to 1200x1800 pixels should provide adquate resolution.

The easiest way to know you have a file large enough is to take the photo with at least a 4 Megapixel camera set at the highest resolution. Be sure when you send it, you don't resize it for faster sending.
